Gordon passes House Amendment 36-27 vote to prevent licensing of Convicted Felons
On 23 April 2015 in the Colorado State House of Representatives, a minor coup d'etat happened when Republican State Representative Gordon Klingenschmitt (in the minority) out-maneuvered Democrat Speaker Pro-Tempore Dan Pabon (in the majority) by amending Pabon's bill to defeat his attempt to give medical marijuana sales licenses to convicted felons. 11 Democrats flipped and voted with Klingenschmitt and 26 Republicans, whose "Committee of the Whole" amendment won approval.
The facts of the story (and Gordon's surprise victory reaction) are here:
Rep Klingenschmitt ensures convicted felons cannot sell medical marijuana
The vote count with 11 Democrats and 26 Republicans siding with Klingenschmitt is here:
The bad bill language that got struck is on page 6 (lines 24-27) and page 7 (lines 1-2) here:
The Klingenschmitt Amendment which passed 36-27

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