Legislative Updates
Visit this page often, to hear what Gordon is doing in the legislature, what bills he has introduced, and how YOU can help him get good laws passed in Colorado.
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE #1: Help Gordon pass HB15-1044 to Sunset or Review Executive Agency Rules
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE #2: Help Gordon pass HB15-1127 for Business Owners who allow Concealed Carry
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE #3: Help Gordon pass HB15-1163 to Repeal Obamacare in Colorado Statute
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE #4: Help Gordon pass HB15-1161 to Protect First Amendment Rights for Artists
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE #5: Help Gordon pass HB 15-1208 to Repeal Common Core Education Standards
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE #6: Gordon passes House Amendment to strike Licenses for Convicted Felons
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Gordon for Colorado
PO Box 77077
Colorado Springs, CO 80970
Please write name, address, occupation & employer in the memo line, to help us comply with campaign rules. No corporate contributions (LLCs are OK), no foreign nationals, not tax-deductible. Thank you!