Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka “Dr. Chaps”), won 70% election as State Representative in 2014 and is now a candidate for El Paso County Commissioner.
Twice rated most conservative legislator in Colorado Springs by Principles of Liberty.
He earned his PhD in Theology at Regent University, and also holds Doctor of Divinity, M.B.A., M.Div, and B.S. Political Science degrees, and taught College as former Faculty for the Bible and Theology Department at Colorado Christian University.
Host of a national TV show PIJN NEWS which still airs daily via Satellite in 54m available homes and statewide Colorado Television on CTN 51/Comcast 6.
20-year veteran, Air Force Academy graduate, and the Former Navy Chaplain who took a stand for the right to pray "in Jesus' name" and was vindicated by Congress in 2006 after sacrificing his own career for liberty. Gordon is now a board-certified Chaplain providing part-time care to the elderly in 3 nursing homes in Colorado Springs.
His national petition organization, The Pray In Jesus Name Project, has delivered 5 million fax petitions to Congress supporting pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-freedom causes, and helped overturn government bans in 13 states restoring your right to pray “in Jesus name” in public settings.
Gordon leads a non-profit charity Pray In Jesus' Name Ministries, which broadcasts on television, cares for widows-veterans-elderly, and raised all money to build an orphanage, and now sponsors 209 kids.
Watch! Gordon's inspiring testimony given at 100+ churches, 28 states for freedom.
Watch! Gordon's interview with Congressman Doug Lamborn on religious freedom.
Watch! Gordon's interview with Pastor Brady Boyd on the Black Forest Fire victims.
Watch! Gordon's interview with Senator Kent Lambert on 2nd Amendment rights.
Watch! Gordon's interview with Dr. Alan Keyes on personhood of the unborn.
Watch! Gordon's interview with Lt. General Jerry Boykin on Hillary Clinton.
Watch! Gordon's interview with Dr. Michael Brown on Civil Unions vs. Marriage.
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PO Box 77077
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