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                       SAVE THE DATE!

Meet "Commissioner Gordon" here:

1) Saturday 10am March 21 at Kum & Go Gas Station "Office Hours" 1-on-1 with Gordon (by Sand Creek High, 6735 N Carefree Cir, corner of Peterson and N.Carefree)

2) Wednesday 7pm March 25 at Kum & Go Gas Station "Office Hours" 1-on-1 with Gordon (by Sand Creek High, 6735 N Carefree Cir, corner of Peterson and N.Carefree)

3) Thursday 7pm March 26 at Kum & Go Gas Station "Office Hours" 1-on-1 with Gordon (by Sand Creek High, 6735 N Carefree Cir, corner of Peterson and N.Carefree)

4) GOP County Assembly: 28 March 8am, location TBA (not Sand Creek High?)

Gordon will schedule several more 2020 events in April-May-June.  Please come back soon!

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Please Donate:


No limit per contributor, American citizens only please, mail checks to:


Gordon for Colorado

PO Box 77077

Colorado Springs, CO 80970

Please write name, address, occupation & employer in the memo line, to help us comply with campaign rules.  No corporate contributions (LLCs are OK), no foreign nationals, not tax-deductible. Thank you!

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